Parent's Information
Kindergarten Fees - 2024-2025
Children aged 3-5
​From the term after a child turns 3 and up until the end of the term in which the child turns 5, he/she is eligible for funding from the Local Education Authority for up to 15 hours of childcare a week. Sunlands Kindergarten is registered with the funding authorities and is responsible for claiming and administrating the 15 hour funding.
Working families, who qualify, will receive an additional 15 hours funding per week, making it a total of 30 hours funding. In order to receive the 30 hour funding parents need to apply directly by visiting the Government childcare choices website: www.childcarechoices.org.uk
In order to cover the costs of food and materials there will be a top-up charge of:
£ 4.00 per morning (4 hours at £1.00 per hour)
£ 7.00 all day (6.25 hours, with cost of lunch included)
Children 5 +
Once your child has reached school age, in the term after their 5th birthday, the kindergarten will not receive any government funding. Children are welcome to continue in kindergarten for up to 18 hours a week as part of their Elective Home Education programme.
Fees for non-funded children
£22.00 per morning (4 hours at £5.50 per hour)
£35.00 all day (6.25 hours, with cost of lunch included)
2024 - 2025
Autumn Term 2024 14 weeks
Term starts Monday 9th September (new children only)
Tuesday 10th September - all children
Half Term 28th October -1st November
​Term Ends Wednesday 18th December (Festival 11am)
Inset day Monday 4th Nov
Spring Term 2025 13 weeks
Term starts Tuesday 7th January
Half Term 17th -21st February
Term ends Friday 11th April (Festival 11am)
Inset Day Monday 6th January
Summer Term 2025 10 weeks
​Term starts Monday 28th April
Half Term 26th -30th May
​Term Ends Friday 11th July (Festival 11 am)